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The Sorcerer's Concubine
Glass Sword
Red Queen
The Kill Order
Sinful Cinderella
The Fault in Our Stars
Red Mark
Eighth Grade Bites
What's Left of Me
Once Bitten
Through the Ever Night
Days of Blood & Starlight
The Sea of Monsters
The Lightning Thief
The White Aura

Anna Engelman's favorite books »


The Sorcerer's Concubine by Jaclyn Dolamore

The Sorcerer's Concubine

by Jaclyn Dolamore


Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐

This Review will contain **spoilers**

This is an adult book!! Sexual Scenes

This review is going to be greatly different then my previous reviews.

I originally found this book for free on Amazon, when it was available for a short while, and I thought the cover looked pretty. No I didn't read anything about it before I got it and started reading it. 

I have to say though that I liked the story overall. I can't say that Velsa was easy to relate to, since she is a fanarlem, in simple terms, a realistic doll brought to life with magic for many uses. A fanarlem is taught, as is the rest of the world, that their soul is damaged or in need of redemption, but not everyone believes it. Velsa is a telepath, so she has to wear a gold band on her neck to hold her powers, and is 2 weeks after becoming an adult , and is bought by Grau, the sorcerer.

From that point on the story goes a bit faster, from traveling, to finding stolen land, to making it home. Meeting her new master's family, and going to a dance, she has sex for the first time and falls in love. She ends up meeting other fanarlem that aren't concubines, just regular slaves, and they aren't describe in detail aside from creepy and scary. Then it's back to traveling, finding a Miralem to read that Velsa's soul isn't damaged beyond what happens when the soul is put into a fanarlem. They make it to Grau's final destination, a solider camp where he's supposed to be the sorcerer. 

Things slow down for a little bit, and you meet Sibalora, more often called Flower, another fanarlem who flitted throughout the men because that's what her master has her do. When Velsa is doing things that Flower isn't allowed to she acts out by hurting Velsa, and by breaking things Velsa likes. They get attacked by Miralem bandits and Velsa overcomes her gold band to use her telepathy on the Miralem telepath, making it so they could catch her. Instead of killing her they put Velsa's gold band around her neck, blocking her powers. They go back and put a new band on Velsa's neck. Some time later she goes after Velsa and aims to really hurt her by throwing her in the river.

I'm purposefully skipping a large part of the story, so you would have to read to find anything out about after this. A few more spoilers ahead about a part of the story I am not mention in this part.

I'm truthfully curious about the dragon, it only made a small appearance in the book, and is pretty set on getting the person that put the gold band on his friend. So is he a Miralem? Or do the bandits just talk to the dragons.

There is sex multiple times throughout the book, plus reference to an LGBT+ character, along with a few other recurring characters.

I think the second book wouldn't be a bad thing to buy, and I may just do that. If I do, keep an eye out for that review

But overall, I do suggest this book, I'm not sure if the author plans on offering it up for free again anytime in the future, but I would keep an eye out for it.

You can find the book on amazon The Sorcerer's Concubine by Jaclyn Dolamore


Existence by Abbi Glines

I have to rate this 5 out of 5 stars

This review will contain **Spoilers**

First let me say this one thing; this cover kinda creeps me out. But it is neat.

I loved this book, and I thought about waiting a day to write the review, but I couldn't bring myself to do it, so I'm doing one while all of the details are fresh.

I think the main character is portrayed extremely dense, seriously, I figured it out as soon as he wasn't like the other souls. But maybe if I experienced something like this it wouldn't be quite as obvious.

Her friends were just as hard headed, or they just didn't want to notice half of the things that happened.

I understand why Dank couldn't tell her anything, but he also could have said some things. As to what, that would have been up to Glines, but I'm sure she left the things out on purpose.

I have to say this book is a great read, and I couldn't put it down, and now I really want to read the next one, I mean seriously, ending the book with a revelation about her current but soon to be ex boyfriend. What is he if he's not human, and is that why was after her, or is that why Dank and him hate each other?

So many questions we need answered, will we see Gee in the next book, I mean Dank said she was safe from his wrath now.

Oh well, you seriously have to read this book. It's an amazing book from an amazing author.

The Accidental Demon Slayer by Angie Fox

I have to give this book a 4 stars out of 5

This review will contain **Spoilers**

This book definitely has it's humor, and is a great read.

I think the characters were great, but Lizzie being so flip floppy is just annoying. I mean Dimitri did lie to her, but he didn't mean for it to be taken that he only lied until he had sex with her. But she should have decided before she went to hell with him how she felt about him.

Although the thought of a naked man laying the ground would change my opinion of him too. Also seeing him die would do a lot to sway me too.

I do like how she understood herself finally, and was able to tear her own soul in half, but I'm confused, it said she gave some of her essence to bring Dimitri back to life. Is essence and soul different. Well I'm pretty sure it is, but it confused me at the time.

I would suggest checking this book out, and I have to admit I'd like to read more about the sexy griffin, with younger twin sisters who are opposites. Also with horses inside of houses.

So yes, read this, it's free on amazon, and totally worth it.

I'm Insane My Choices Make Me Insane I'm Insane

Just as the song says, I'm insane.

I'm writing my book everyday, but now I'm also writing 3 other ones at the same time. And learning 5 languages. And reading everyday.

I'm stretching myself pretty thin.

My writing endeavors are as follows

Crossed Borders 23687 / 60000
What Lies Beyond  47206 / 100000
The Empty Mirror 8331 / 80000
Secrets of Truth 2438 / 25000

I'm spending half an hour on each story and I'm going to learn a skill from every language on Duolingo.

I'm currently learning
Irish 2 skills finished
Spanish No skills finished
French No skills finished
German No skills finished
Italian No skills finished

I've also finished 2 books, so be expecting my reviews for those soon.


Behind by a few days

Well, I missed being able to type on Mother's day, but I'm planning on making up for it today.
I'm currently supposed to be at 20,632 words, but sadly I'm at 15,378.

I am still writing right now though, so I'll probably update this later too.

I also haven't had a chance to read anymore yet, but I do like the book I'm reading a lot.

I'm also starting to flesh out the idea for my NaNoWriMo book that I start June 1st.


Another Day Almost missed

Well I updated by day for the 7th on the 8th, and now the 8th on the 9th. Darn, I have to get better at remembering to update all of this.

Well I did make it to my 6,489 word count goal, early in the day, and late at night, I started world building off of the fact that I already had. Fleshing out my book some. So far I'm really liking it.

So anyways, my current word count is 6,808 I believe.

I have to reach 10,603, by the end of today.

That's only 4 thousand words I have to write. No biggie.

Okay maybe a slight biggie, seeing as how I'm distracted on fleshing the story out.

Oh well, I can do this, I can so do this.

So for my quota 2 days ago, I had 5,449.

I wrote just over 1,000 in the day, reaching my over all goal.

I've also started reading again, and should be posting a book review soon, after I finish my word count quota for today that is. If you are curious, I'm reading The Accidental Demon Slayer by Angie Fox. Hope you're excited for that one.


A few Reviews + updates

Before I start I'm going to make sure everyone knows, I've been up for almost 24 hours at the time I'm writing these reviews. I can remember events, and situations, but I can't remember names. I'm also bound to make a spelling mistake at some point.

Fate's Exchange by Sasha Leigh

I have to give this book a 4 out of 5 stars.

This review will contain **Spoilers**

This was definitely interesting, and I would read the next book happily. Sadly however, this review is going to be lacking, as it's been a few days since I've read this book. But I will admit that I like Alyssa.

I hate her friend though, so much so that I can't even remember her name. I don't see why she would just disappear like that, even if they were drifting apart, why would she lead her on? I mean seriously what kind of heartless person does that.

Then after she was upset by that, David had to die. It makes sense though, a balance had to be kept, It says that right in the description, but oh well.

Her old friend gets on my nerves, and yes I can't remember her name either. I can understand, but seriously, does she really think that after a year of bullying and being a bitch, that she can just walk up to her after the most traumatic experience of her life and be her friend again.

Also I have to touch on one subject, when she accidentally kills herself in the first place, she would have felt it before it got too far, even with blood circulation cut off, you still have nerves, and trust me that hurts. Also with blood circulation cut off , she probably wouldn't have bled to death until a lot later.

Aside from the few human decisions in the book that I don't see any sane person making, that book itself was great, the things I listed were in the end of the book, the beginning of the book lacks those problems.

I recommend this book, it's a really good read. It took me a couple days but I had important things to do while I was reading it.

Starfire Angels by Melanie Nilles
I have to give this book a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

This review will contain **Spoilers**

Same as with the first one, it's been a few days, or well a day since I've read this one, but I really liked it. The whole 'Dark Angel' things is always a favorite of mine.

It was made even better with the inside joke by her 'Dark Angel' Obsessed friend, I actually giggled out loud and it was totally deserved.

Also I probably would have questioned my hands a long time ago, that's not a normal marking, and I would never believe a human being could have been born with that marking on their hands.

I don't know how I feel about the Starfire, Aside from happy that they killed Pallin, seriously, the dude had to die. Also it bothers me, if he's not able to touch her, because of the starfire, how was he able to rape her in the first place,.

I loved the reporter aspect, I mean, I know how reporters can be, and they'll do anything to get a story. And that was a break through story. Or would have been, had she stuck to most of her business, and hadn't been right there.

Again, I recommend this book also, just be prepared for some grammatical errors. Nothing serious. Also this took me less then 12 hours to read.

Dollhouse by Anya Allyn
I have to give this book a 4.5 out of 5 stars.

This review will contain **Spoilers**

Yes. No. Wait, what. Yes read it, no I hated the cliffhanger, and I have to read the next book.

This book, just this book. There were some grammatical errors, but I just skipped over those.

This was amazing, I rarely venture away from any kind of romance, but I'm glad I did in this case. This beat out a lot of the romance books I've read recently.

I also really liked the names, Jessamine, Calliope, Angeline, Philomena, Missouri,Sophranie, Evander. All interesting.

But this ending, I mean I can't stand reading about children dieing. They were so close, if only Ethan had told them what he knew. Well actually I wish the readers knew what he knew. But I'm sure all of that will be released in the second book.

I'm very intrigued by this book, how would someone come up with something like this. It's brilliantly thought out, well written. The plot is great. Although some things are easier to figure out, while other things happen and they just kinda flip a table at you.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone, it's a great read, it's has it's humor, it's a mystery, and true to it's genre, it's a thriller. This book took me all of less then 5 hours to read it.

Now for a quick little update. I'm opening review requests, Any books, any length, any genre. Self published, traditionally published, not published. You can request a review in the Request a Review box at the bottom of the page.

I can and will be a beta reader, an editor, someone you can just contact to brainstorm with, or just someone that will listen to your problems.

You can also ask questions there. After I get a few questions I'll make a post answering them.


Blur by Kristen Middleton

I have to give this book a 4.5 out of 5 stars.

This review will contain **Spoilers**

I really liked this book, I could hardly put it down, between 9pm and 1am I just read the book, and I almost finished it. and it's a slightly different take for me, being as usually  when I read a book about vampires, there's werewolves too. I haven't seen any in this series yet.

This book left me wondering if Ernie, their mothers old boss, knew all along what was going on in Shore Lake, or if he had no clue what so ever, as to what he was sending them too.

I'm tempted to buy the next book, sadly I won't be doing that, as I've promised myself, I'm going to try to finish reading as many of the free books on my kindle before I buy anymore books, but I do really want to know what happens after Ethan is shot, and disappears.

I also want to see how Duncan reacts to Nikki getting bit by a vampire, and if her mom is going to realize, and if the Sheriff is going to explain to her why he saved her.

I'm also kind of curious as to what happened with their dad, he didn't actually make an appearance, just his actions made one, but they're afraid that he will.

I would recommend this book to anyone that likes vampire books, or any supernatural books. It's a great book, and even better it is free.

Few Are Angels by Inger Iversen

I have to give this book a 3.5 stars out of 5.

This review will contain **Spoilers**

My reason for the rating is one that might not have bothered me if it hadn't made me reread a few things. The grammar is little off, and the book is very repetitive. And it definitely leaves you not the happiest with the book.

I actually had to sit on this rating for a day, I couldn't decide if I wanted to give it a 3 stars or 4 stars, and I had to list reasons for it.

Reasons to give it 3 stars.
Bad grammar.
Needs editing.

Reasons for 4 stars.
Great idea.
Loved the plot.
characters were filled out.

I didn't really get anymore for either of them, so I just decided I'd give it the 3.5 and give everyone my reasons for it.

Besides for the book needing to be edited about 5 more times, and then another 3, it's a good, well actually a rather great book. Iversen's writing is great, sadly though, the lack of editing made it hard for me to really like the book, yet I loved the book.

Ella is the new arc, she's supposed to be the one that can see the future, she's getting ready to go to the council mandated place shes assigned to, when Laurent's men attack, and this and this happens, but I won't tell you, because that would spoil the ending.

I'm slightly peeved by the fact that she wouldn't be able to see Kale again, and yet she decides to bring Alex with. I understand childhood friendship, but her lover that she is abandoning pretty much is right there when she asks. I just see that as cruel.

I would recommend this book, but you have to have a strong, I guess stomach, to handle the grammar mistakes. If you can handle them, this book is great, and I would say read it.


Awakening by Karice Bolton

I have to give this book a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

This review will contain **Spoilers**

I was okay with this book. It went a little slow for me, and I felt like for a few chapters I was on repeat. But once I got past that, I loved the idea, the plot, the characters, and everything that happens.

I'm not going to lie, the foreshadowing was done great, I didn't expect anything to happen to Athen, at least not in this book. I'm also hoping I can get the next book in the series so I can find out what happens next.

Ana, seems like an okay protagonist. But I do like how she came into her powers quickly. I just wish she hadn't hidden her dreams, for one being that even if she had shared them, nothing would have changed, they couldn't prevent what happened, they can't prevent a legion gathering together, the most the can do is prepare themselves for something bad about to happen, warn the other families to be on high alert.

I loved Arie and Cyril, most Arie, she was just so upbeat, and so into the holiday mood, she had to decorate to houses, and throw a party a week or 2 after they move into their new house.

I'm still not sure how I feel about Athen, I mean he's sweet, and clearly cares about Ana a lot, but he's a lot of the time, it's seems like he's in a competition to show more affection then his sisters boyfriend. A little weird in my opinion. But on top of that, he seems overly cocky, until he gets his ass handed to him that is, then we don't know what he's like. I think they should have started her with learning to fight as soon as possible, since they knew something was up, why would they be okay with leaving her to fend for herself?

Well, oh well, the book is a great read, and I would recommend it if you have or even haven't read any of Bolton's other works. She has a nice writing style, and everything is beautifully written.

My next book is going to be Few Are Angels by Inger Iversen