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Awakening by Karice Bolton

I have to give this book a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

This review will contain **Spoilers**

I was okay with this book. It went a little slow for me, and I felt like for a few chapters I was on repeat. But once I got past that, I loved the idea, the plot, the characters, and everything that happens.

I'm not going to lie, the foreshadowing was done great, I didn't expect anything to happen to Athen, at least not in this book. I'm also hoping I can get the next book in the series so I can find out what happens next.

Ana, seems like an okay protagonist. But I do like how she came into her powers quickly. I just wish she hadn't hidden her dreams, for one being that even if she had shared them, nothing would have changed, they couldn't prevent what happened, they can't prevent a legion gathering together, the most the can do is prepare themselves for something bad about to happen, warn the other families to be on high alert.

I loved Arie and Cyril, most Arie, she was just so upbeat, and so into the holiday mood, she had to decorate to houses, and throw a party a week or 2 after they move into their new house.

I'm still not sure how I feel about Athen, I mean he's sweet, and clearly cares about Ana a lot, but he's a lot of the time, it's seems like he's in a competition to show more affection then his sisters boyfriend. A little weird in my opinion. But on top of that, he seems overly cocky, until he gets his ass handed to him that is, then we don't know what he's like. I think they should have started her with learning to fight as soon as possible, since they knew something was up, why would they be okay with leaving her to fend for herself?

Well, oh well, the book is a great read, and I would recommend it if you have or even haven't read any of Bolton's other works. She has a nice writing style, and everything is beautifully written.

My next book is going to be Few Are Angels by Inger Iversen

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