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The Sorcerer's Concubine
Glass Sword
Red Queen
The Kill Order
Sinful Cinderella
The Fault in Our Stars
Red Mark
Eighth Grade Bites
What's Left of Me
Once Bitten
Through the Ever Night
Days of Blood & Starlight
The Sea of Monsters
The Lightning Thief
The White Aura

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A Reading Spree

Well I went on a reading spree today. Or I guess it was yesterday technically.
Anyways I started a book a few days ago, and finished it the morning of the 3rd, I read a whole book during the day, and I started another one in the evening and finished it at 1am on the 4th.

That isn't bad, being that I'd only read the first 3% of the book before I sat down and read it on the 2nd and 3rd.

Also there will be spoilers, nothing huge. Okay lies. Lots of huge book ruining spoilers actually. But I did keep each bit of information to a minimum.

Becoming Red by Jess Raven
I have to give this book a 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Unless we're talking about the amazing way the author is with words, then thats a 5 out of 5. And the sex scenes are mind boggling.

The characters are something else, the background to the story is awesome. I also have to like the little glossary in the back, it clears a bunch of things up.

I'm not really in a reviewing mood today, but I will say, I really want to know what Madden will do at the end. New information, lots of decisions, could go a bunch of ways. But no matter what poor Connal.

Rival by Lacy Yager
I have to give this book a 4 out of 5 stars.

It was short, sweet, and right to the point, a great beginning for what I hope is a really great series.

I like the love interest here, and while I'm not one from keeping secrets from people, I understand the reasons for both of their secrets.

However I found Emily a bit infuriating. But in my defense, I can't stand girls whose only interest is turning 18 so they can ditch their parents.

But it's a great book, and should I repeat, short and sweet, and action packed, and drama packed, and mystery packed. A well rounded book.

Coming Home by Roxanne Fox
I have to give this book a 4 out of 5 stars.

Annan pisses me off. Simply stated. But she's supposed to. She's in denial of a bunch of things, and is learning a bunch of things.

Also just like the first one, the sex scenes were Oh My Words. Perfection. And the explaining of Sean's eyes just leaves you picturing them.

I don't know how I feel about the ending actually, I mean I want to know what happens, but I just find it strange how easy she was to capture.

Again another great book, definitely worth it.

I'm not sure when I'll be reading again, this filled my quota for the month, being as I don't want to read all of my books for my child in one month when I have a whole year to finish it. But I will still be trying to read other books that aren't on my challenge.

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