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Now or Never by A.J. Bennett

I have to rate this 4 out of 5 stars.

This review will contain **Spoilers**

Well to start off simple, unlike most of the reviews I saw on Goodreads, I did like this book. It was about a woman taking control of her own life, I don't think she did it the right way, but I can't judge someones stupid decisions.

Yes the whole unprotected sex thing is stupid, and all that. But the rough sex, actually to me is one of the best ways to have sex, at least occasionally.

The whole jealousy with a not exclusive relationship is just a given, if your seeing someone, and you want to keep seeing them, trust me, you don't want to share, even if you want to share yourself. And that's normal again so I can't complain, but the whole rubbing it in Derrick's face, that is low, like very very low.

I don't really like Grayson, she's supposedly timid, and nerdy, well in the end she ends up being a sex crazed, obnoxious girl. I like how she leaves her abusive boyfriend, but she could have done so much better then following in her sisters steps.

Luna, ummm, whore much. Well at least from this book, I'm thinking since the next book Truth or Dare is about her, we might learn more about why she acts like this. Because for every choice someone makes, there's a force behind that choice. I'm thinking it could be the same reason neither Grayson or Derrick want to settle down.

Derrick, needed to be a man, let her know that he wanted her, I understand the whole lying and being a Green Beret but still, so long without contact, even if it's just a screw buddy, is torture.

Over all, I would recommend this book to very few people, since most of the people I know like more fantasy, and aren't big on sex and stuff, but I guess it's their loss.

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